Thursday, October 18, 2012

1 year & 2 months old

You can walk by your own now but still a little wobbly. Your 1st 10 steps was on 4th Sept where you walked about 10 steps by yourself and squat on the toilet bowl to poo. Haha.Mommy & daddy sends you to da gu's house with kakak & jie jie every morning.

Every evening when mommy comes home, you will come to me and grab on to both my legs. After picking you up, you'll ask for nen nen & put your hands into mommy's shirt with a very cheeky smile.
Mommy will then go into the room to breastfeed you.

You're eating porridge with vege puree & steam pork. However, I think you're getting bored with it and now mommy will need to think of new recipes for you.

You love yogurt, cheese & apple.

You love to play dolly too. If given a gun, you'll go bang bang bang. Hahaha!

You love to dance when you like the music.

At condo, you prefer yeh yeh and nai nai to carry you to sleep instead of kakak.

You walk alot at condo & kakak has to follow you wherever you go. Then when you come home, you also walk from the front to back non-stop.

You like to brush teeth too and you like the taste of the tooth paste. Hahaha!

You have 7 teeth now. 4 at the top & 3 at the bottom.

You love to sayang jie jie when she sleeps, whether her hair, hand or foot! Hahaaha! You also love to toss and turn all over the bed when you wake up in the early morning until you fall back to sleep.

When you got a shock, you'll pat pat your chest to mean that you got a shock.

There was once I was breastfeeding you, I accidentally sang a song we've seen from the youtube several times and it was your favourite one on the iphone. Immediately, you breakfree from mommy and walked about to search for mommy's iPhone. You were so short but you manage to peep at the table top and saw the iPhone. You then pulled mommy over to carry you up to grab the iPhone. How clever!!